Tuesday, July 15, 2008

At World Youth Day

Ashley, Mollie, and Gary from SMU are at WYD SYD 2008 as we speak. Best wishes and Godspeed, folks! We look forward to reports when you get back.

(Anyone else from our Friends of Theology there? Let me know!)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Missing Saint Mary's this summer?

Here's a lovely picture of St. Yon's from Sharon, a visitor on campus for the regional Communion and Liberation spiritual exercises.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our 2008 retrospective

And thanks to John Becker for permission to use the song!

There are also new pictures of all of us (and a lot of the campus) here.

"A Preferential Option for Youth"

Youth ministry folks--what do you think?
Find it over here at Topics of Note....

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Want to have your "Catholic Faith" story on Public Radio?

Speaking of Faith is a very interesting and smart radio program on religious issues, put out by American Public Media (it feeds to National Public Radio). And they are asking right now for your thoughts on what it is like to be Catholic, in preparation for covering Pope Benedict's April visit to the USA. Please consider going here and putting in your two cents! Here's the pitch from the website:

Share your personal reflections on the Catholic Church

Pope Benedict XVI will be making his first papal visit to the U.S. in April, to help revitalize and strengthen the U.S. church. He will be stopping in Washington D.C. and New York City to offer mass at Nationals Park and Yankee Stadium, visit the White House, and address the United Nations.

We're using the occasion as an opportunity to start a broad-ranging conversation about the rich tradition of Roman Catholicism -- its history, trajectory, and the contemporary issues Catholics are wrestling with. Although we often hear news stories about the Catholic Church, diverse practitioners of the faith have had little voice in telling their stories.

If you are or were Catholic, we'd like to hear your perspectives on what anchors and unsettles you in this vast tradition. We're also interested in the hopes and concerns you have for the church, now and into the future.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Continuing the trend of our own being in the news...

I thought some of you might enjoy reading this article I found in The Catholic Spirit (the newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis) the other day. It's about eight camp counselors who all met at Catholic Youth Camp in McGregor, MN, paired off into couples, and eventually got married. The first couple mentioned is none other than Paul and Taryn Yantes, whom most of you probably remember; they graduated from SMU in 2006, got married in September of that year, and had a baby boy this past Christmas.

It's a cute article; enjoy!


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Viva Roma

Alright, this is my first attempt at blogging - but inspired by Dr. SWD, I thought I would offer a link to a blog that might be of interest.

As many of you know, Dr. Sobolewski and I are members of the University Council on Lasallian Mission and Formation. As members of the Council, we are going with the other university representatives to Rome this week. We are meeting at the Christian Brothers headquarters and will meet the Superior General, Br. Alvaro, and spend the week studying and praying about our Lasallian mission.

A blogspot (is that the right word, Dr. SWD?) has been created by one of our colleagues in the Twin Cities at: http://smucfm.blogspot.com/ Every day, someone from the group will post a report about the day and what we did. Check it out and see what we are up to!

Have a good break (oh, yea, who's going to check a blogspot during break??)! I miss you all this semester. S.J.