Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dr. Sobolewski and SMU's graduate theology program in the New York Times

Once again, I'm touting the accomplishments of my more humble colleagues.
A New Emphasis for Schools of Ministry: Management Skills

CHESTNUT HILL, Mass. — For the last four years, Wendy Samuels has worked in a remote village in Jamaica for Mustard Seed Communities, a Roman Catholic nonprofit group that helps disabled children.

The work is both rewarding and heartbreaking. But some of the most difficult moments came as she managed well-meaning staff members who did not always do their jobs properly.

“If someone is not performing their job, how do you deal with it when there is still so much to be done?” Ms. Samuels said. “I kept wondering, How do you manage persons in a third-world country who work for a charitable organization?”...

The full article is worth reading in whole and can be found here. (Dr. Sobolewski is on the second page.)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Catholics on Call conference, Summer 2008

Please see the the post here about the "Catholics on Call" conference in Chicago and consider applying! If you get accepted, it's free....

Saturday, January 12, 2008

More Pictures of Theology Sites, Scenes, and Students at SMU

We have some more Theology pictures added to our Flickr site from Fall 2007 (click here for the mosaic above, and click here to see the whole set). I intended to get mostly outside pictures, which I did, but not that many--if you recall, it rained nearly all Fall.

The above picture is a fun mosaic of some of the pictures (mostly new but three from last academic year). Enjoy!