Sunday, September 16, 2007

What is it like to study theology and ministry at SMU?

Hi folks--remember this video from last year?

We're still working on a new YouTube video that promotes why people should consider studying theology for work in the Church and academy (and perhaps come to Saint Mary's in MN, of course!). I have it narrowed down to three songs for background: if you could please give me feedback (in the comments box or in person), I'd appreciate it. You can click and listen...

Matt Maher, Unwavering
Tom Booth, Fragrance Prayer
Marco Frisina, Jesus Christ, You Are My Life

I'm leaning toward the first (there are other factors than "is it beautiful" involved, and this one meets those other issues), but there are good things about all the songs. I do need to check that I can get permission to use these songs on YouTube (I'm pretty sure I can).

Also: I need more pictures (always!). I will be taking pictures around campus in the Fall, and that includes student pictures. But if you can bring your camera to Campus Ministry events and internships and take pictures, that would be ideal: just send me the pictures afterward. Thanks in advance.

swindley at smumn dot edu

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my vote goes for Matt Maher because his music is amazing.